Friday, July 31, 2015

Be the Change

So our little family-owned brand likes to do fundraisers. We’re not a big company… and we don’t make or have a lot of money. Quite the opposite actually, but as the saying goes “no one has ever become poor from giving”. And we enjoy it, the giving - that is; we get the opportunity to experience a unique sense of joy through these fundraisers.

Earlier this week, we stumbled across posts about Cecil the Lion. I’m sure I don’t need to explain to any of you to back-story here. If you haven’t heard about this tragedy you most likely live in a cave, secluded from any news source or social media. Anyway, as we sometimes do, we decided it was a fundraiser-worthy cause. Sure, you could call it a spectacle - and maybe that's what it is. But the importance of this “spectacle" is that it’s drawing awareness to some serious issues which aren’t often topics in the public sphere. This can be incredibly productive because it encourages people to put their energy and money toward a fresh, new cause. So, for a moment in time, we have the opportunity to maximize on this and raise both awareness and funds for wildlife conservation. Because at the end of the day, this tragedy doesn’t start or end with Cecil. Biodiversity and species conservation are important aspects of our life on this earth. They’re stunning indicators of the impact of human life. And honestly, no… I don’t want my grandkids to grow up in a world without these beautiful, wild creatures.

Now, there are some topics that will always be at the forefront of our political discussions. And that’s fine. People will argue these topics with heartfelt conviction, now and forever. And because these topics are so mainstream, sometimes it may seem like the general public has grown numb to the conversation. So a cause like "Cecil the Lion" comes around and social media latches on - because it’s fresh. And that’s also fine. Supporting one does not discredit the other.  

And the social media frenzy over Cecil is a positive event. Because through this conversation, we’re cultivating good. We’re rallying, raising funds, promoting awareness, and teaching our children about wild and endangered species.

It is important to include that some of what is going on in the social sphere is not good. I will neither condone nor support hate of any kind.

But, let’s not lose sight of the good that is coming from this situation. I understand that there are other issues in the world to be upset about. And I understand the death of this creature may not be the most tragic thing that has happened this week. But nobody said it was. There is so much tragedy in the world, providing us with a plethora of opportunities to get involved and create positive change. 

So, I vote that everyone takes one giant deep breath. During this breath, focus on one issue, person, or cause that you want to impact in a POSITIVE manner. Release that breath and make a commitment to use your energy to do just that. Not by words carelessly thrown into a status or comment on social media. But though action which helps to cultivate real change.

I think Gandhi said it best, “be the change you wish to see in the world”… and I’m committed to doing just that.

By the grace of God, and thorough the support of our customers; we have been given the opportunity to positively impact the following causes/organizations. We look forward to working with many others throughout the years as our company expands and gains access to more resources.

Our Fundraiser Results: August 2014 to present

$300.00 St. Baldrick's Foundation
in honor of Annabella Munoz's 1-year NED scans

$650.00 to Cure SMA
in honor of Lylah Gritter, a local SMA warrior

$460.00 to Lifesong for Orphans/The Waarvik family
to support the adoption of 2 boys from Ethiopia
(this donation received an additional $300 in matching grant funds)

$540.00 to The American Cancer Society
in loving memory of Brenda Heffron and Kathy Insley

$660.00 to a local family 
as community support after losing their home and cars in a terrible house fire